Help! I'm Dating A Commitment Phobic. What's the Problem? Part 2 (Money)
Scenario #2- Commitment is not the issue, money is. If your man treats you well, is emotionally open to getting married but tells you...

Help! I'm Dating A Commitment Phobic. What's the Problem? Part 1(Wasting Time)
Like most things, dating takes skill. So, let’s get your dating IQ as high as possible about what your man might be thinking so that you can

How To Spice Up Your Marriage Outside the Bedroom
Marriage is a verb not just a noun. So, you must take action to keep your marriage spicy. Here are some tips on how to spice up your...

Couples Who Fight: Four T's To Save Your Marriage NOW!
The doctors worked feverishly in panic. Seven years ago when it was born, it was healthy, vibrant, and full of life but now it was fading...

What Men Need To Do To Make Women Happy In Relationships- You Better ROCK!
I know, know...men are always telling women what they need to do to make marriages and relationships better and you are sick of it! What...

Four Biggest Relationship Killers: Part One- Not Dating Enough
I get asked this question every time I do a relationship workshop/seminar. What makes relationships/marriages fail? So, I have put...

Is Kissing The Key To A Happy Marriage?
How often do you and your sweetheart smooch? It better be twice daily if you want a happier marriage. I'm not saying that you have to...

Why Settle For Being A Wife-y When You Can Be The Real Thing?
I was first introduced to term “Wifey” by the R & B group NEXT in 2000. They had a song entitled, Wifey, that flew up the charts because...