Free Marriage Training Alert! Help For Couples Is Here.
It am overwhelmed with joy right now. God has helped me to design the "Fix My Marriage System" and I can feel God's hand in helping...

Help For Christian Marriages
I'm not sure if this is for you but if you're in a relationship...help is on the way! What do you know about what's causing relationships...

Managing Conflict In Marriage: Should You Speak Up Or Be Quiet?
People think that marriage is easy but you know what...it's not. Actually, it can be really difficult at times. For instance, my wife and...

How To Consistently Pay Attention To Your Lover So They Don't Feel Ignored
Almost daily, I get a front row to seat to observe couples. I see a common theme for couples who make it versus those who experience a...

How To Get Over Loneliness (The Silent Killer)
This is going to blow your mind! Did you know that loneliness has the same negative impact on your health and longevity as smoking and...

Key To Finding a Husband or Wife...Access (Are You Even Trying?)
Singles Question: If we agree that dating begins with meeting people...do you give potential suitors a realistic chance to meet you? The key

Help! I'm Dating A Commitment Phobic. Part 5. It's Just Not Him...It's You
Scenario #5- It’s not him, it’s you. I am no blaming. Trust me, I am not! We all have blind spots. One potential blind spot is that you...

Help! I'm Dating A Commitment Phobic. What's the Problem? Part 3 (Character)
Scenario #3- Commitment is not the issue, his “character-man” is. Your king could be very much in love with you, yet hesitate on...