How To Be An Awesome Girl Dad: What Daughters Really Need From Their Fathers
I see a lot of women who struggle with dating and marriage and blame themselves but really it goes back to childhood. What caught my...

5 Tips For Improving Kids Grades (Parenting Tips)
Every year, parents have to figure out how to guide their kids towards academic success. This season is especially challenging with kids...

How To Create A Joyful Home: Marriage Tips For Black Couples (Part One)
This post was sponsored by A Weekend For Love Couples Beachside Vacation & Retreat (August 27-29th in Destin, FL). Get more information...

Life-Changing Advice For Men On How To Control Your Temper in Relationships
One of the most important, MANLY qualities for men to have is the ability to control our temper. Why? Because if we identify as the...

How I Taught My Daughter To Be Fearless & Overcoming Anxiety
As a parent, especially a dad, you are always trying to find ways to teach life lessons. Well, I somehow volunteered myself to take my...

Saving Our Girls: Healthy Sex Education, Part 2- "The Dad-Advantages of Having an Active Father
One things that really burns me up is when society labels the victim as the problem. Society is so quick to put negative labels on girls...

Saving Our Girls: Healthy Sex Education, Part 1- "The Number One Issue Facing Teen Girls Today&
This video series is the first of a seven part series that I am doing with world renown sex education, Jackie Brewton, on healthy sex...