How To Stop Arguing/ The Four Horsemen That Kill Relationships & Marriages
Are you tired of arguing with your spouse or partner in your relationship or marriage? You should be and do everything in your power to...

Is Social Media Making Our Kids Emotionally "Dumb"?
Is social media really negatively affecting the way our children relate with friends and family? The answer is an astounding yes! A) We...

The Big Secret To Finding Love While Single/How NOT To Be Single Next Valentine's Day
One of the most painful feelings is the feeling of loneliness on Valentine's Day. By now, if you are single, you have already felt the...

Avoiding Valentine's Day Mistakes: Why Valentine's Day Is Good For Your Relationship or Marriage
Looking for a little Valentine's Day advice? Look no further because I have some tips for using Valentine's Day to improve your sense of...

How To Avoid Falling In Love Too Fast & Getting Hurt
Do you struggle with falling in love too soon and getting hurt? Do you find yourself feeling incomplete if you are not in a relationship?...

Suicide Prevention in Black Boys & Men: Seven Warnings Signs To Look Out For
I just learned about the passing of a Regina King's son, Ian Alexander Jr., and was convicted to create this video. My heart hurts of his...

How Strong Is Your Relationship (Marriage & Family): Three Questions To Find Out
How strong is your relationship with your partner, spouse and family? Why do ask? Surprisingly, many people don't know because they have...

The Value of a Wife: Why Men Should Seek To Marry
I am shocked by how many women simply do not know the value of a wife in a man's life. However, how could you unless a man has told you...

Are You Just Surviving Marriage? | Five Factors To Tell If Your Marriage Can Make It
Why do marriages that were once strong, fall apart all of a sudden? This video discusses the five things every couple needs to maintain a...

Why Teen Stress Is A Problem (What Pre-teens and Teenagers Are So Stressed Out About)
Why Are Our Kids So Stressed Out?! The US Surgeon General just released a mental health advisory stating that teens and children are in a...