Packing Your Hospital Bag For A Newborn
So it's time...your wife or girlfriend is having contractions and it is time to go to the hospital. What do you pack for your go bag for...

Preparing Your Marriage For A Newborn
So, you're having a baby! Whether this is your first, third or fourth, a newborn always brings a new level of stress, chaos (and joy) to...

How To Get Unstuck, Get Out of Your Own Way & Start Living Your Dreams
Have you ever deeply desired to change your life (change your diet, change your marriage, change your relationship, change your job, make...

How To Get Your Spouse To Listen and Change Their Ways: Three Skills That Actually Work
Have you ever struggled to get your spouse or partner to listen and change? It can drive you nuts when he/she won't listen because it...

Why We Feel Stressed Out and How To Manage Three of the Biggest Stressors
Recent reports show that 8 out 0f 10 people are stressed out. This includes kids as young as middle school all the way up to older...

How Social Media Is Hurting Mental Health & Causing Us To Disconnect From One Another (Solutions)
The latest research is pretty clear of the negative impact that social media and cell phones are having on our mental health and...

Loneliness: Six Reasons You Struggle To Make Friends and a Really Good Solution
We have focused so much on the pandemic of Covid-19, social injustice, the economy, etc. that we have really failed to address a hidden...

Why You Pick The Wrong Partner Again and Again (Three Reasons You Do It & Solutions To Fix It)
Do you know someone who seems to always pick the wrong partner over and over again? I mean, it's like they date the same bad man or woman...

How To Parent Boys: What Boys Need From Mom & Dad Separately
I saw all of the direct messages and had to create a blog and video on what boys needs from moms and dads to be successful to match the...

Body Shame: Moms Can Pass Lack of Self-Confidence & Body Insecurity to Their Daughters
Starting research has emerged that shows the importance of mothers modeling self-confidence and body acceptance. The study found that a...