How To Avoid Wasting Your Time In Relationships & Even Marriage...
Are you tired of dating someone who doesn't want the same things you do, like a committed relationship? Do you often find yourself...
Are You a High-Achieving Single Woman Tired of Wasting Time on Mismatched Dates? Watch This...
I get it. You're a successful, driven, and stunning woman who has it all—the career, the looks, and the confidence. Yet, despite your...
Here Are 5 Tips To Improve Relationship: 5 Ways To Rekindle The Spark
There will be times in your relationship where you will absolutely need to reignite the spark in your relationship! As a matter of fact,...
Two Skills That Stop Conflict In Marriage
If you have been dating or married for longer than a three months, the chances of you experiencing conflict are high. Why? By human...
What Husbands Stress About In Marriages: Three Husbands Open Up
Heart 2 Heart With Dr. Tartt: What is the biggest stressor for men/husbands in marriage? When people say, “Ask three different men and...
What Makes Men Happy In Marriage? Heart 2 Heart With Dr. Tartt (Jack A. Daniels & Eric Bates)
What actually makes men happy in marriage? What do African-American husbands and fathers really want when it comes to marriage? I had a...
Why Your Relationship Is Not Working: Three Things That Need To Be Fixed Right Now
Why is your relationship not working? I have discovered three things that tend to consistently sabotage relationships: 1) Disappearing...
The Big Secret To Finding Love While Single/How NOT To Be Single Next Valentine's Day
One of the most painful feelings is the feeling of loneliness on Valentine's Day. By now, if you are single, you have already felt the...
Avoiding Valentine's Day Mistakes: Why Valentine's Day Is Good For Your Relationship or Marriage
Looking for a little Valentine's Day advice? Look no further because I have some tips for using Valentine's Day to improve your sense of...
How To Avoid Falling In Love Too Fast & Getting Hurt
Do you struggle with falling in love too soon and getting hurt? Do you find yourself feeling incomplete if you are not in a relationship?...