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Are There Enough Black Men To Marry? 5 Qualities Men Desire in A Wife (and vice versa)

Dr. Alduan Tartt and Mecca Tartt discuss a video discussing "Are There Enough Black Men To Marry?" that aired. We reviewed the US Census data that detailed that close to 83% of African-American women are married or have been married at least once by age 55 and over.

So, there is a lot of hope for women when it comes to finding love, commitment and marriage despite what you may have heard. Yes, the male to female ratio for African-Americans is certainly not even but it is more encouraging than the negative reports that float so pervasively in the media.

Also, evaluating men as "marriage eligible" based on educational degrees and finances solely is offensive to men. What about characteristics that actually matter in a relationship (yes, finances is one but is not the end all be all or even the most important one).

Husbands and Wives took a survey (His Needs Her Needs) of the top five characters they wished for most in a spouse. Use this list to properly conduct your search for a husband or wife versus the very sensitive and largely offensive topic of finances. We also added in the top five characteristics wives look for too to keep it even.

Here is a quick summary of each factor:

What Wives Want in A Husband

1) Affection- Can you touch me and make me feel connected?

2) Conversation- Can we share our world with one another and have fun, stimulating, deep conversations with one another often?

3) Openness & Honesty- Can you open up about your shortcomings as a man and own your mistakes. Can you possess great character?

4) Financial Security- Can you decrease her emotional anxiety about finances, savings, lifestyle? Can you free her mind from the stress of bills, savings, emergency funds?

5) Family Commitment- Can you be a great family man (great husband, father, godfather, church member, community service, etc.) in addition to being great at business?

What Husbands Want in Wives

1) Sexual Fulfillment- Can you satisfy a man's desire for physical intimacy to his level of frequency and quality?

2) Recreational Companion- Can you play with him and make his world more fun with you in it? Can you go to a sports game, play golf, watch a movie, travel, etc. together at times?

3) Physical Attractiveness- Can you keep your attractiveness high with self-care so that he is able to brag on you to his friends and always desire you physically?

4) Domestic Support- Can you run a home really well? Can you make sure the kids get their school work, host family events, make sure the house looks nice, cook, nurture, etc. Many men are cool with domestic support sharing these days by the way.

5) Admiration- Can you laugh at his jokes, admire his business acumen, appreciate what who he is and what he stands for? Wow! What a list, right? This list comes from His Needs Her Needs book and his based on data. Tell me your thoughts and may you date with hope, intention and success.

Also, for single ladies who are looking for answers when it comes to dating towards marriage, check out Ring Formula Masterclass for women who are serious about dating towards marriage.



Dating Course- The Ring Formula

Marriage Course- Better Husband Better Wife

Child/Family- Raising Healthy Families

Mental Health Courses

Biblical Reference Guide For Marriage ($49)

The Ring Formula (Book)




160 Clairemont Ave. Ste. 200, Decatur, GA 30030

Tel: 404-377-4757

* It is also better to call versus email if you want to talk with someone live about therapy, a speaking request or media interview.*​


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