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What's Hurting The Sex Life of Couples? Seven Issues To Avoid or Fix ASAP

I'll say it so you don't have to...

All marriages are not experiencing mind-blowing sex right now. It's actually more common that one may think. Research indicates that 1 in 6 couples are experiencing a dry spell (sexless marriage) right now and don't know how to fix it.

Seven Common Sexual Issues in Marriage

  1. Mismatched sex drives

  2. Sexless marriage (initiating sex feels awkward and is too infrequent to feel natural)

  3. Relationship lacks passion, connection and romance

  4. One partner is not open to the other's fantasies

  5. Relationship trauma (betrayal, emotional abuse, neglect, etc.) contaminates desire to even make love

  6. Lovemaking is happening but it is not satisfying for one or both (mostly women)

  7. Pain, age, mental and physical health issues are destroying any chance at a regular and healthy sex life.

Dr. Jacqueline Sherman joined me on a live session today and detailed the orgasm discrepancy for couples:

95% of men experience the orgasm during sex with their spouse compared to 65% of women.

That's a problem and needs to be fixed and we have an immediate solution. Click here to learn more.

More men must ask their spouses about their needs and women have to feel comfortable telling the truth. This prevents "faking pleasure" at the cost of the male ego while privately breeding resentment, unmet needs and longing to be truly seen, heard and satisfied.

No one wants that in their marriage (husband nor wife).

What you can do about it...

Join Better Husband, Better Wife Marital Intimacy Class Feb 9th at 9-10pm EST. Register here.

Dr. Jacqueline Sherman will be taking your private questions and Dr. Tartt and Mecca will be facilitating a lively conversation to enhance your love life.

P.S.- Use the promo code "Love" for 20% off.


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